Rockies at REES Rockpile


By Jamie Fleury


PLYMOUTH — Plymouth Rockies assistant Coach Mike Kershner, his son William Kershner, assistant Coach Gene Skirvin, #78 Warren Sullivan, #64 Sam Driver, and #67 Reggie Vazquez #67 helped move a different Rockpile Saturday morning.

The volunteers dedicated Saturday morning to move large rocks found in the original foundation dating back to 1865.

The Rees Project Co-chair Randy Danielson and Committee Member and Construction Overseer Don Wendell were grateful for support from the team. Wendell is a former Rocky himself.

The rocks will be used by the Plymouth Park Department in the parks throughout Plymouth for landscaping and other projects. Plymouth Parks Superintendent Mike Hite told Danielson that some of the rocks will be used at the River Park Square Kayak Launch. Danielson was pleased with the repurposing endeavor.

Shelley Moore