REES Theatre met the goal
The Rees Project Committee, the group behind the efforts to move towards the renovation and repurpose of the theater announced the 1.5MM goal to secure the $300,000 Regional Cities matching grant was met. The community has shown their continuing support, there were still donations being taken at the Marshall County Museum as of 4:00 Wednesday.
The first stage milestone has been met, it took eight months to reach the goal which puts us closer to the start of the renovation and the anticipated goal of a grand reopening in 2020, which will be the Theater’s 80th Anniversary. Organizers hope to have all work completed by spring or summer 2020. Fundraising will continue through the end of 2018 and 2019 to raise the balance of 3.64 million which includes an Endowment fund.
The committee would like to thank the community again for their continuing vision in what The REES Theatre can be again!